Potential whistleblowers should create a timeline from the first sign of fraud or misconduct. This simple task is crucial. Fraud may typically begin with a specific action, but the facts unfold over time, and whistleblowers often discover the scheme later. Writing the full story may seem overwhelming, but a timeline helps organize facts and presents the chronology of events without needing special writing skills.
An effective timeline captures precise dates and times of events. It provides a clear and concise description of each event, including the who, what, where, and why of the event. It identifies the key support for each event, by referencing any documents, emails, texts, or witness statements. References to these sources are crucial for verification of the facts and to build credibility. It also identifies all the individuals and entities involved. A good timeline is also never finished. As additional information becomes available, it can be added to the timeline. Seeing a new fact in the context of things previously known can sometimes change the significance of something that seemed insignificant without the appropriate context.
Timelines are essential for whistleblowers. First, and most importantly, by writing down the sequence of events, it helps trigger and solidify memories by placing them in chronological order and allowing the connection of related details more easily. In essence, the more you think about something the clearer your memory becomes. According to attorney Jeffrey F. Keller of Keller Grover LLP, “we have many, many conversations with our whistleblower clients, because every time we discuss a topic, something new comes out. We always have our clients start by putting everything they think is important for us to know into a chronology. We will then go through that timeline with the client to flesh out the details. For us, this is one of the most important steps when working with a new client.”
Timelines are also incredibly valuable to whistleblowers in finding competent counsel. According to Keller, “we get many inquiries from potential whistleblowers looking for help. The ones that come prepared with their documents and a detailed chronology are the ones that are most likely to get our attention.”
Timelines help whistleblowers organize their thoughts and by capturing the facts in one place, reduce their stress trying to remember everything that happened. Capturing all the facts, whether important or not, in a chronological fashion, will allow the lawyers to easily understand the context and importance of the facts and identify key moments. Most whistleblowers do not know what facts are important in building a case.
While creating timelines can be challenging and time-consuming, requiring hours of work, they are one of the most important things a whistleblower and attorneys will do in building a case. Using word processing or spreadsheet programs allows easy backfilling of facts and adding new events. Technology is helpful, but a simple method like using index cards works too—just write each fact on a separate card and arrange them chronologically. By starting the process as early as possible, the whistleblower increases their chances of success. A well-constructed timeline is not just a list of dates; it’s a storyline of the fraudulent scheme the whistleblower wants to expose. It should be accurate, complete, and easy to understand.